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Clear, Cancel, and Release
Debbie White • Sep 14, 2021

Feng shui is a practice to bring more harmony and alignment into a physical space but ultimately, it is with the purpose of feeling more harmony and alignment in our lives. There is no Feng shui without people to animate and move the Qi or energy!  The house is the yin aspect, and the people living there are the yang. We are intrinsically linked to our environment.

First things first. Clearing the energy.

Clearing the slate is the first and probably most important step in refreshing the energy of your space. This is a basic rule of Feng shui, and applies in many areas of life as well.  We can't rebuild something stable on a shaky foundation, and it's much easier to boost positive energy when the heavier or stagnate energy has been cleared out.

Clearing the physical space

The two main considerations are clutter, and cleanliness. We all accumulate things that no longer serve a purpose or benefit our lives and what ends up happening is that these things not only take up physical space, but they also take up energetic space. They can weigh us down into old patterns, memories, or emotional states.

Taking the time to edit through what no longer resonates with you, having gratitude for the gift it brought, and then donating or disposing as appropriate, allows the cycle to move through. This opens up your space, and your heart.

Now, cleanliness. That familiar expression "cleanliness is next to godliness" pops into my mind!  This is not about perfection, but rather highlights the importance of simplicity, purity, and reverence.  When we tend to the things we love, it reflects care, respect, and appreciation for the abundance in our lives. We can see an appreciate all that we have with a fresh view.

When we keep our spaces clean, we tend to keep our thoughts clear as well. Once you have edited and cleared out the clutter, open up the windows, turn up the music, and get cleaning!

Clearing the energetic space

Space clearing is a term used for the clearing of stagnate energy that can build up in your space. What is stagnant energy?  This is energy that just feels a little heavier. Have you ever spent time somewhere and came to realize afterwards that you feel very tired or even headachy? This can be the effect of low frequency energy patterns, from either physical objects, electromagnetic interference, or lingering challenging emotional energy. Yes, that's right! This type of energy can also hang around after an argument has been had, or some type of unpleasant event.

There are several ways to clear the space, such as burning sage or sweetgrass, diffusing essential oils, using tuning forks or sound to reestablish harmonics, shutting down routers and electronics or other more elaborate rituals to clear and bless the space depending on the circumstances. The important thing is to notice and take care of the quality of energy that you are surrounded by, and either choose a method you resonate with, or ask a professional for assistance. 

Clearing the heart and mind

Intention is a very powerful tool and a topic that many great authors have written about.  When we set pure intentions, this is a way of living rather than an expectation around receiving something that we want or a specific outcome. It's within intention that manifestation occurs. We attract what we are, not what we want so living in alignment with your intentions gets you out of scarcity or lack mentality, and into higher states of consciousness and being ness!

Our thoughts can carry a negative imprint, just as our words can.  These loops of thinking, worrying, negative self talk, or subconsciously sabotaging ourselves or others create energetic cords that keep us tied to those negative forms. Take the time to reset your intentions with sincerity if you aren't clear on them now. 

Forgive yourself and others. Ask the angels, the universe, or your higher self to cut all unhealthy energetic ties for the highest good of all.  Cutting cords doesn't eliminate people from your life, just the unhealthy dynamics that may exist within that tie. If you find negative thoughts frequently popping up, just observe, then instruct yourself to release them by saying with intention, clear, cancel, and release! 

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